TSR Ski Challenge 2025
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Message par Zorino Mer 30 Déc 2020 - 11:19

Hi KB19,
Every year, I know that you don't have to download the SkiChallenge 2016 version again, but just the OC patch of that year.
But does that work for previous years ?
For example, when I played in 2019, my ski settings and times were recorded. If I want to play from that year again, do I have to uninstall the OC21 patch and then reinstall the OC19 version (which I still have) and all my settings and times will still be there, or everything will have been erased ?
Just wondering...

Cheers !

Bonne glisse !

Zorino :
SC09 : 15947e / SC10 : 2286e / SC11 : 2143e / SC12 : 1283e / SC13 : 2945e / SC14 : 564e /
SC15 : 453e / SC16 : 312e
Doume55 :
SC09 :  ------ / SC10 : 2121e / SC11 : 1868e / SC12 : 1398e / SC13 : 3071e / SC14 : 559e /
SC15 : 467e / SC16 : 311e
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Messages : 1208
Planté du bâton : 1550
Date d'inscription : 14/11/2013
Pseudo SC16 : Zorino

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Message par KB19 Mer 30 Déc 2020 - 14:34

Not sure what you're trying? The patch is nearly identical in all years, there's no reason to install an old patch...

However, just install the respective patch and select "Install Update" at Installation Type. This will not touch your XML files. Anyways make sure there's a backup of your XML files.

The XML files are the only important thing. Ghosts can be found at the OfflineProfiles.xml file, saved races at UserConfig.xml, avatar and ski settings at Profiles.xml.

Versions précédentes Snyunnqlksxkmquuonnpwrnlwxozmwxu

Founder and Admin of HAPPYTEC
I speak only German and English! Suspect
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Descendeur semi-pro

Messages : 72
Planté du bâton : 74
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2018
Localisation : Vienne (Autriche)
Pseudo SC16 : killerbees19


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